Dear colleagues and comrades,

I would like to thank you for giving me the chance to inform you about situation in Greece the last two years. Employees, pensioners and all the people are living an endless nightmare.

For the last two years, when IMF and Troika came to Greece, there has been an effort to take back all that workers have conquered the past 100 years. They dissolute every social structure, they reduce salaries in levels in which no worker can survive, hundred thousands are being fired from their works, thousands of small family stores and business are closing and generally they lead us back to the middle ages.

All the above in the name of the debt Greece owns to the banks. But as far as we all see, the same measures are being imposed for Portugal, Spain, and Italy and Ireland and nearly for every European country. Of course they use every time a different cause in order to take the same measures. And that why it?s necessary to find out the real cause behind this huge attack started by the Capital against the world of labour.

The main cause is the global economic crisis which is ongoing for these two years. Especially after Lehman Brothers collapsed, the global Capital fired a general attack to the rights and the salaries of the workers. If we like to look up to the problem, it starts from the weakness of the capitalistic system to continue provide high percentage of profit to industrialists and to production in general.

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